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How often does EffectConnect synchronize data?

We keep your products, price, and stock information up to date on marketplaces all the time. Orders and shipment information gets exchanged too.

How often we exchange your data with the marketplace you're selling on depends on the type of connection that you're using. Updates on stock and prices are far more frequent than updates on product information for example.


kb-info The timings mentioned on this page are indicative guidelines and are, by no means, exact timings that will always apply to your situation. If you'd like to know exactly which synchronization times you're dealing with, please contact our support team. We're happy to inform you about your specific situation.


Types of data transfers

There are a couple of different data transfers in place when working with our platform.

  1. Data moving from your back office/webshop to EffectConnect
  2. Data moving from EffectConnect to the marketplaces you're selling on
  3. Data moving from the marketplaces you're selling on to EffectConnect
  4. Data moving from EffectConnect to your back office/webshop

1) Data moving from your back office to EffectConnect

When data is moving from your back office or webshop to EffectConnect, these processes can be initiated by our platform or by the plug-in you're using to connect to our platform.

The timing intervals mentioned below are indicative of this process:

Type of data Interval
Shipments of orders Near real-time
Stock Near real-time
Price Near real-time
Product content (full sync) Every night - up to 24 times per 24 hours


If you're using our API to connect to our platform, or our latest Magento 2, Shopware 6, Prestashop 1.7+ plug-in, the plug-in settings determine the data transfer intervals. Maximum intervals are described in our API documentation.


2) Data moving from EffectConnect to marketplaces

When data is moving from EffectConnect to marketplaces, these processes are always initiated by our platform.

The timing intervals mentioned below are indicative of this process:

Type of data Interval
Shipments of orders Every 10 minutes
Stock  Every 20 minutes (faster syncs with Scale package)
Price Every 20 minutes (faster syncs with Scale package)
Product content Every 6 hours


Keep in mind that EffectConnect actually only forwards updates when something has changed. We will not start sending updates unnecessarily unless the marketplace requests it.

So, have we already forwarded an inventory level of a product once today? Then we will only forward it again when something changes in the product. As long as everything remains the same, EffectConnect will not send an update for that product.


We're offering faster synchronizations for our Scale users. Faster syncs help you improve your stock and price accuracy on marketplaces. Moreover, it helps you to prevent having to cancel an order. Interested in Scale? Get in touch with our sales team!


3) Data moving from marketplaces to EffectConnect 

When data is moving from marketplaces to EffectConnect, these processes are always initiated by our platform.

The timing intervals mentioned below are indicative of this process:

Type of data Interval
Orders Every 10 minutes


Please note: although we're checking every 10 minutes to see if there might be any new orders for you, it can still take more time for an order to enter into our platform. Usually, this delay is put in place by the marketplace to do a fraud check or something similar. So, don't panic if an order takes a bit more than 10 minutes to move from the marketplace to your EffectConnect account.

4) Data moving from EffectConnect to your back office

These processes can be initiated by our platform or by the plug-in you're using to connect to our platform.

The timing intervals mentioned below are indicative of this process:

Type of data Interval
Orders Near real-time


If you're using our API to connect to our platform, or our latest Magento 2, Shopware 6, Prestashop 1.7+ plug-in, the plug-in settings determine the data transfer intervals. Maximum intervals are described in our API documentation.

Other types of data transfers

There are more types of data transfers than described on this page, but we didn't want to bother you with all that tech nitty-gritty. The data transfer types mentioned here are the most important types of data transfers.