With content mapping you make a translation between your own product data and the data the marketplace requires. In this way, EffectConnect can create or enrich product data on a marketplace.
Curious about our updated mapping module? Click here to learn more about it!
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More about content
Content it is essential for creating or updating your products on a marketplace. It contains important information that helps buyers understand the product and make informed decisions when purchasing. Therefore it is important to have relevant product information available in EffectConnect.
What is content mapping?
With content mapping you match your product information with the product information the marketplace requires.
If a product is not yet available on the marketplace or if it has incomplete or incorrect product information, you can export this information through EffectConnect using our content mapping tool.
This makes the process of creating or updating content on marketplaces much easier and less time-consuming.
Note: Each marketplace has its own guidelines and requirements for content. Please reach out to your contact person at the marketplace to obtain these guidelines.
Key attributes
There are several key attributes that your products should contain in EffectConnect to meet the requirements of most marketplaces:
- Category
- Product name/title
- Description
- (Main) image
- Barcode/EAN
- Color
- Size
- Brand
Creating a mapping group
As we are currently in the process of transitioning all marketplace connections to our Channel Manager, we currently provide two different types of content mapping tools. This allows us to accommodate both legacy and Channel Manager channels during this transition period.
Remember that each marketplace may have its own specific requirements. As a result, the attributes you need to fill in may vary for each marketplace.
Over time all our channels will be migrated from the legacy connection to our Channel Manager and when that's finished, there will be only one tool to create mappings.
In this section, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating a mapping group for a marketplace. Follow these instructions to easily create a mapping group and ensure successful synchronization of your products.
Creating a mapping for a channel in the Channel manager (new V2 module)
For some channels in the Channel Managers we have an even more advanced mapping module available.
Instructions for this new mapping module, click here > Mapping module - NEW version
Creating a mapping for a channel in the Channel manager (V1)
Go to Apps > Your apps (Channel Manager) > edit the specific channel > tab Content Mapping
This is where you have the option to create new mapping groups and access your existing mapping groups.
Create new content mapping rule
- Add own reference
- Choose your product selection for this rule (read more about product selections)
- Check number of products in the selection (must be more than 0)
- Choose the category for your product on the marketplace
When you're ready, click on 'Save' to go to the next screen.
Edit mapping
This step is where you match your product content via attributes, effectively translating it into a format that the marketplace can understand.
For example: if your data includes the size 'ML/L' but the marketplace only recognizes 'M' or 'L', you can make that translation in this step.
These steps are typically done once. Afterward, when you receive new products in your shop and product selection with the color 'M/L', EffectConnect will automatically translate it back to 'M' or 'L' (depending of what size you mapped).
It's important to keep in mind that when you add new products with a new and unknown data (f.e. color), you will need to translate them in your mapping groups.
Fill in:
- Mandatory/required attributes: at least
- Essential attributes: as many as possible
You can fill in information by translating your own (custom) attributes or using default values. - When you're using your own attributes, EffectConnect will look into the data of every product to find the needed information.
Default values: if you're using default values, every product in the mapping group will get the same value.
Custom value: by using a custom attribute, you have the ability to utilize your product data and generate a new attribute that specifies the necessary content for your products and map it here.
To read more about custom attributes, click here.
Manual values: you can assign a specific value to each product individually.
Question mark: you can click on the question mark next to the specific field to learn more about what content the marketplace expects.
in case of Amazon content mapping: in the required fields, there is a field named 'Recommended Browse Nodes', you need to fill this field in order for the mapping group to be accepted by Amazon.
When filling in this field, you can use the 'default value' button to define a matching category for your products. You can see this as the search/browse tag, customers use on Amazon.
Please keep in mind that this field is named, based on the language you're working in. For example: in Dutch, this field is called 'Aanbevolen categorieknooppunt'.
The coverage percentage indicates how many products from your product selections EffectConnect can find matching product data for in the mapping. However, it's important to note that this percentage does not indicate whether the marketplace accepts all of your product content.
Content export to the marketplace
Once you're done filling in your mapping groups, you can click 'save'. EffectConnect will then automatically export your product information to the marketplace. To know when and how often this happens, you can read this article.
Creating content mapping for a legacy channel
Go to Apps > Mapping (channels v1)
Click here for the instruction video of mapping for a legacy channel.
The video is spoken in Dutch. If you need any assistance in another language, please contact us. We're glad to help you out.
I can't find a suitable category for my products
Please read this article which will help you further.
Reasons for rejection of content by the marketplace
Even though you tried so hard to create mapping groups and optimize your content perfectly, there may be reasons why the marketplace rejects it after all.
To learn more about the possible reasons why content is not processed, read this article.
Make sure to carefully review the content guidelines provided by the marketplace and make necessary adjustments to your content in EffectConnect. It is important to align your content with the marketplace's requirements to ensure successful synchronization.