Looking for a truly great price on now on you can use EffectConnect's Repricer to automatically take the price stars into account. Your offer will stay online because your price is not only good, but also market-competitive.

EffectConnect Repricer producten - NL

Are you missing out on revenue on because your price is not in line with the market?

A price that’s too high will cause you to lose the buy-box, you will no longer automatically be included in's promotions and, in the worst case, your offer may even be taken offline.

For ages, has used stars to indicate the quality of your prices. They call this price stars. A 3-star price is OK, but the prices that lead to higher conversions are the 4-star and 5-star prices. This way, the consumer can always buy products for a good price through

With EffectConnect, you can automatically take these price stars into account and ensure that your price is always a 4 or 5-star price!


Automatically a 4 or 5-star price on with the EffectConnect Repricer


1. Never sell below your minimum price

The EffectConnect Repricer helps with automating your pricing policy on Your minimum price for each unique product will be calculated based on the price data of, your purchase price, costs (e.g. shipping costs) and the amount of commission you pay. The Repricer will ensure that you will never sell below your minimum price and so you won’t lose money!

2. Never above market prices again

You’ll miss out on revenue if your offer isn’t shown because your price is above the market rate. The price is too high compared to the rest of the market, which makes it a bad offer for the consumer. By automatically taking market prices take into account with the EffectConnect Repricer, your product offers will never be taken offline due to prices that are too high. Because of this, your maximum price will always be in line with the market or a 4 or 5-star price.

3. Always based on the latest data of relevant market prices

Product prices are changing constantly. A relevant price that is in line with the market today, can be a bad price tomorrow. We will make sure that we automatically import up-to-date price data from, so you can always strive for a current 4 or 5-star price!


4. Easily configure your price formulas


Whether you want to aim for a 4-star price or prefer an even more competitive 5-star price on, you can easily set your goal in your Repricer formulas.

Through the formulas for your maximum product prices, you use variables that represent the 4-star or 5-star price limit. If you are already using the EffectConnect repricer, you know this principle of using variables.

By using the price star variable, the Repricer will automatically calculate the maximum price for a 4 or 5-star price rating, depending on what you’ve chosen. Combined with your minimum price, this creates a range in which the Repricer operates to win the buy-box for you. Never too expensive, and certainly never too cheap.

5. Part of the Marketplace Integration Platform

The EffectConnect Repricer is a part of our complete Marketplace Integration Platform. You can easily automate not just your pricing strategy, but also your inventory, delivery times, orders and shipments. And all that based on your data, completely automated. The Repricer cannot be used as a stand-alone solution, but is always a part of the integration platform. This way, you always have all data and synchronisations available, on the basis of which you can make automated decisions in your pricing strategy.

6. The first and only Repricer on the market that calculates with price stars

The EffectConnect Marketplace Integration Platform offers an automated solution that takes price quality into account for your pricing strategy compared to the price stars.

Do you want to stop losing sales and automatically apply a competitive price on that's in line with the market? With the Repricer, you can arrange this for your entire product range in just a few steps!


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"A 4-star or 5-star price generates revenue! We have been busy with Repricing on for years, and for years we have been exploring how you can be in the buy-box with an optimal price. This has now become much easier in one fell swoop, because with the Repricer we can automatically aim for a 4-star or 5-star price.It' s better for the consumer, better for conversion, and your offer will not go go offline anymore!"


Get started with automation for 4 and 5-star prices

Want to discover how our Repricer can help you win on We'd love to show you! Request a demo here.
