
EffectConnect offers many features you need to make your marketplace sales a success. We work with a monthly subscription. Choose which features suit your marketplace operation.

Prijspagina (1)

Product scale


Place as many products as you want online. The more products (EANs) the higher the discount.

  • add-on 5.000 EAN's: €135
  • add-on 15.000 EAN's: €195
  • add-on 50.000 EAN's: €260
  • add-on 100.000 EAN's: €390
  • add-on 200.000 EAN's: €525

Additional marketplace


Connect to the best marketplaces within Europe. You pay per additional marketplace.Connect to the best marketplaces within Europe. You pay per additional marketplace.

  • checkmark bol
  • checkmark Amazon
  • add-on 50+ marketplaces



The repricer automatically adjusts your product prices several times an hour. Since you don't have to spend time on this, your profitability is increased immediately.

  • add-on Danger Zone: €54
  • add-on Look-alike Repricer: €65

Supplier Analysis


Comparing your offer and competitors' offers in real time. You can often see what percentage of the buy box you have, this doesn't really help you that much. It is important to get insights into what you need to change to get more percentage of the buy box. The Provider Analysis tool supports you with gaining the buy box.

  • checkmark Buy Box percentage
  • checkmark Competition overview
  • checkmark Growth opportunities

Fulfilment Manager


The Fulfilment Manager automatically switches between your own stock and your stock at (LvB). If you work with Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA), you can use the Fulfilment Manager to set your products to FBA. This way, you will always have high uptime and the best delivery promise!

  • checkmark Logistics by bol (LvB)
  • checkmark Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA)
  • checkmark Smart warehouse switch

AI Translation Module


With EffectConnect's new AI Translation module, you as a marketplace seller can quickly and accurately translate your catalogue with DeepL and Google.

  • checkmark €0.001 per translated character
  • checkmark Easily export translated content

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